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Heart Failure Program

Meeting the needs of adults living with heart failure.

Why Choose Mount Nittany Health’s Heart Failure Program?

Our Heart Failure program is designed to meet the needs of adults living with heart failure. The program combines evidence-based treatments with nutrition, medicine, exercise, and advanced therapies. It is designed to empower people diagnosed with heart failure to take charge of their illness and find ways to remain stable and well-functioning, thus eliminating the need for a return to the hospital.

Heart failure affects millions of Americans. Some risk factors include coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, poor diet, and obesity. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving quality of life. If you have risk factors, consult with your provider today to explore preventive measures.

How it works

After a patient is evaluated by one of our cardiologists, treated and ready for hospital discharge, they are “enrolled” in the heart failure clinic and is seen within one week. The visits are with a physician assistant in conjunction with the Mount Nittany Health cardiologist.

Initially, bi-weekly visits focus on symptoms, vital signs, weight monitoring, medication adjustment and education. Screening for depression and sleep apnea are done, and smoking cessation and minimization of alcohol intake are discussed. The primary caregiver is encouraged to participate for ongoing support at home and adherence to the program. Visits are then decreased as the individual stabilizes and improves.

Our Approach

Cutting-Edge Management

We utilize the latest advancements in heart failure management, ensuring evidence-based treatments so you have the best outcome.

Integrative Care

Our program embraces a holistic approach, integrating nutrition, medicine, exercise, and advanced therapies to address your needs.

Reduced Hospital Admissions

We are committed to minimizing heart failure-related hospital admissions, readmissions, and emergency room visits through proactive and preventive measures.

Patient and Family Education

We provide you and your family with extensive education, so you can actively participate in managing your heart failure.

Improved Quality of Life

Our goal is to enhance your quality of life and that is why we take a holistic and patient-centered approach to your care.

Respect for Patient Wishes

Throughout the development and management of your care plan, we work closely with you to develop a personalized experience.

Team-Based Care

We eliminate barriers to care by employing a collaborative team approach, ensuring you receive individualized and comprehensive attention.