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Trenten Lancaster, MD, Joins Mount Nittany Health Pediatrics

3 min read

Mount Nittany Health is pleased to welcome Trenten Lancaster, MD, to the Mount Nittany Health Pediatrics team. Lancaster will be providing inpatient services as part of the Pediatric Hospitalist group and working with Mount Nittany Health Pediatrics.

Lancaster holds a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Penn State University. He completed his Doctorate of Medicine at the Penn State College of Medicine. He completed his pediatric medical residency at the University of Connecticut, receiving comprehensive training in providing exceptional care to children.

Lancaster first joined Mount Nittany Health as an emergency room volunteer and then as a technician. These initial experiences ignited his passion for healthcare and set him on the path to becoming a physician. He recognized the valuable contributions that Mount Nittany Health made to the surrounding communities and felt a strong desire to give back to a town that holds a special place in his heart.

Lancaster emphasizes building meaningful relationships with children and their families. He believes these connections are the foundation for creating long-lasting positive impacts on children’s health and lives. He also embraces humor as an essential element of care, often saying, “Laughter is the best medicine unless you have shortness of breath,” highlighting his commitment to his patients’ physical and emotional well-being.

According to Lancaster, he considers it a privilege to do what he loves and revels in the fun he has while fulfilling his dream job. The smiles he puts on the faces of his patients and their families serve as priceless rewards for his dedication.

As a specialist in Pediatrics, Lancaster focuses on newborn and adolescent medicine, making him a trusted resource for parents and children during critical stages of development. His expertise and compassionate care make him a valuable community asset.

Outside of his medical practice, Lancaster enjoys a variety of hobbies, including snowboarding and brewing homemade beer. He appreciates the support of his spouse, Madison, and two furry companions—Bentley, a chihuahua rescued from the streets, and Penelope, another street rescue now part of their family.

Mount Nittany Health is pleased to have Lancaster on the Mount Nittany Health team. His dedication, compassionate care, impressive educational background, and personal connection to the community make him an exceptional pediatrician. We look forward to the positive impact he will continue to make on the children and families in the Centre region.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Lancaster, visit or call Mount Nittany Health Pediatrics at 814.466.7921.