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Emergency and Inpatient Care

At Mount Nittany Medical Center, we treat younger patients in need of emergency care. Here, we offer amenities, like televisions and video games, to distract and occupy pediatric patients during their stay.


Once admitted, a nurse will examine your child, and you will be asked questions to help us care for him or her better. If you need to leave, please make sure the nurse has all the information that he or she requires.

For some procedures, we might need to bring your child to our treatment room. You may come along.


Upon admission, children 5 years old and younger will have a special security bracelet placed on one of their ankles; this alerts staff if your child leaves the unit.

To prevent falls, side rails must be up on cribs and beds. Babies should sleep in their cribs at night while the parents are sleeping, and parents are asked to inform a nurse if they will be leaving so that the medical staff can keep a closer eye on the child.

While we cannot provide childcare for siblings of patients, healthy children under supervision are permitted in the Medical Center.


The inpatient pediatric department offers eight patient beds. We encourage parents to stay as much as possible, including overnight, and will do our best to find a sleep chair or bed for you.

Only adults may stay overnight. Other children or older teenage siblings are not allowed to spend the night.


Parents may not use the hospital showers. We will gladly provide towels and washcloths to freshen up in your child’s bathroom.


If your child needs food or drinks, please let a staff person know. We will provide the appropriate items. Age-appropriate meals that meet physician-specified guidelines are served at 7:30 am, 11:30 am, and 5:30 pm.

Microwaves and refrigerators are available for your use, but please ask a staff member for assistance. We can provide an in-room meal for a parent who cannot be relieved for a meal break. A meal tray from the hospital kitchen can be delivered for $6.